영이플라워(02flower)-24시전화주문 전국꽃배달

by 주식회사 텐원더스



One.24 hour phone order!Nationwide Flower Delivery!(Please entrust holiday gifts as well)Start shipping immediately after ordering2.You dont know the recipients address?Well ask you ^^Please enter only the recipients contact information.Focus on other important tasks!Well take care of it ^^3.Are you worried about the departments monthly payment limit?Advance payment makes business processing more convenient!(The remaining amount will be refunded to your account at any time)4.Every time you order, we give you a gift and points!(Points can be withdrawn at any time!)Congratulatory and condolatory wreaths, job change/opening pots, and holiday gifts for business partners are Youngi Flowers!* Be careful as we give you more gifts and points than you think